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- /*****************************************
- * *
- * stripcrlf.c *
- * *
- * © 27-Mar-2002 *
- * Alfred Faust *
- * *
- * *
- * This program strip the *
- * CR/LF from a unix-style *
- * text file *
- * *
- * *
- * Usage: *
- * stripcrlf *
- * *
- * The program opens a requester *
- * to choose input and output. *
- * *
- * *
- *****************************************/
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include <proto/exec.h>
- #include <proto/dos.h>
- #include <proto/asl.h>
- #include <proto/asyncio.h>
- #include <proto/intuition.h>
- #include <intuition/intuition.h>
- #include <utility/tagitem.h>
- #define SOURCETITLE "Choose sourcefile"
- #define DESTTITLE "Choose destinationdir"
- struct FileRequester *filereq;
- struct Library *AslBase = NULL;
- struct Library *AsyncIOBase = NULL;
- struct EasyStruct message;
- struct EasyStruct message ={
- 20,
- 0,
- "Exit StripCr ?\n(No = Continue stripping)",
- "No|Yes"
- };
- static UBYTE * getname(UBYTE *reqentry, LONG sw){
- LONG len = strlen((BYTE *)reqentry) + 2;
- UBYTE * name = NULL;
- if (reqentry){
- name = (UBYTE *) AllocVec(len, (MEMF_ANY | MEMF_CLEAR));
- if (name){
- if (sw){
- sprintf(name, "%s2", reqentry);
- }
- else sprintf(name, "%s", reqentry);
- return(name);
- }
- else return(NULL);
- }
- else return(NULL);
- }
- static UBYTE * createfilename(UBYTE * drawer, UBYTE * file){
- LONG drawerlen = 0,
- filelen = 0;
- UBYTE * filename;
- if (drawer && file){
- drawerlen = ((strlen ((BYTE *)drawer))+1);
- filelen = ((strlen ((BYTE *)file))+1);
- filename = (UBYTE *)AllocVec((drawerlen + filelen),(MEMF_ANY | MEMF_CLEAR));
- if (filename){
- strcpy(filename, drawer);
- AddPart(filename, file,(drawerlen + filelen));
- return(filename);
- }
- else return(NULL);
- }
- else return(NULL);
- }
- int main (void){
- struct TagItem filereqtags[7];
- UBYTE *infilename = NULL, //with complete path
- *outfilename = NULL, //with complete path
- *infile = NULL, //only file
- *inpath = NULL, //only path
- *outfile = NULL,
- *outpath = NULL;
- LONG readbyte = 0,
- result = 0,
- argselected = 0;
- int i = 0;
- struct WBArg *wbarg = NULL;
- struct AsyncFile *readfile = NULL,
- *writefile = NULL;
- /* we fill the filerequester tags with neccessary datas */
- filereqtags[0].ti_Tag = ASLFR_TitleText;
- filereqtags[0].ti_Data = (ULONG)DESTTITLE;
- filereqtags[1].ti_Tag = ASLFR_InitialDrawer;
- filereqtags[1].ti_Data = (ULONG)"RAM:";
- filereqtags[2].ti_Tag = ASLFR_DoMultiSelect;
- filereqtags[2].ti_Data = FALSE;
- filereqtags[3].ti_Tag = ASLFR_DoPatterns;
- filereqtags[3].ti_Data = FALSE;
- filereqtags[4].ti_Tag = ASLFR_InitialFile;
- filereqtags[4].ti_Data = (ULONG)"";
- filereqtags[5].ti_Tag = ASLFR_InitialPattern;
- filereqtags[5].ti_Data = (ULONG)"";
- filereqtags[6].ti_Tag = TAG_DONE;
- /* we open the neccessary libraries */
- if(!(AslBase = (struct Library *)OpenLibrary("asl.library",0L))){
- goto exitit;
- }
- if(!(AsyncIOBase = (struct Library *)OpenLibrary("asyncio.library",0L))){
- goto exitit;
- }
- /* we allocate a asl request as a FileRequester */
- filereq = (struct FileRequester *)AllocAslRequest(ASL_FileRequest, 0L);
- start2: /* startpoint, if we don't leave the program and NO outpath was choosen */
- /* making the AslRequester for th outpath appear -
- if we leave the requester with a selection ... */
- if(AslRequest(filereq, filereqtags)){
- outpath = getname(filereq->fr_Drawer,0);
- }
- else {
- /* leaved the requester with "Cancel" */
- goto exitit;
- }
- /* alter the tags for use as source requester */
- filereqtags[0].ti_Data = (ULONG)SOURCETITLE; //new title
- filereqtags[2].ti_Data = TRUE; //multiselect
- filereqtags[3].ti_Data = TRUE; //pattern
- start: /* startpoint, if we don't leave the program and outpath was choosen*/
- /* making the AslRequester appear -
- if we leave the requester with a selection ... */
- if(AslRequest(filereq, filereqtags)){
- /* multiple selection ? */
- if (filereq->fr_NumArgs){
- argselected = filereq->fr_NumArgs ;
- wbarg = filereq->fr_ArgList;
- filereq->fr_File = wbarg->wa_Name;
- }
- /* we create the string with complete path of the infile */
- inpath = getname(filereq->fr_Drawer,0);
- infile = getname(filereq->fr_File,0);
- infilename = createfilename(inpath, infile);
- /* same for the outpath, but the filename dependend if the
- sourcedir is the same like outdir or not */
- if (!(strcmp(inpath, outpath))){
- /* Outdir == Indir -> we append a "2" at the filename */
- outfile = getname(filereq->fr_File,1);
- }
- else{
- outfile = getname(filereq->fr_File,0);
- }
- outfilename = createfilename(outpath, outfile);
- }
- else {
- /* leaved the requester with "Cancel" */
- goto exitit;
- }
- /* mainloop */
- for(i = 0;;){
- if ((argselected >1) && (i == 0)){
- goto jump;
- }
- /* open the infile for reading and the outfile for writing */
- readfile = OpenAsync((STRPTR)infilename, MODE_READ, 8192);
- writefile = OpenAsync((STRPTR)outfilename, MODE_WRITE, 8192);
- /* the core of the program */
- for(;;){ /* loop for stripping */
- /* reading one byte into a long - leftaligned*/
- result = (UBYTE)ReadAsync(readfile, &readbyte, 1);
- /* if EOF - End of file - we leave the loop */
- if (result == 0) break;
- /* if byte is not a CR - ! the comparisationvalue is a long ! */
- else{
- if (readbyte != 0x0D000000){
- /* write one byte to the outfile */
- WriteAsync(writefile, &readbyte, 1);
- }
- }
- }
- /* close the opened files */
- if (readfile) CloseAsync(readfile);
- readfile = NULL;
- if (writefile) CloseAsync(writefile);
- writefile = NULL;
- if (i == argselected) break;
- jump:
- /* mor than one file selected */
- if ((argselected > 1) && (wbarg)){
- if (infile){
- /* freeing the infilerecources at first */
- FreeVec(infile);
- infile = NULL;
- }
- /* new infile from the List */
- infile = getname(wbarg->wa_Name,0);
- if ((infile) && (inpath)){
- /* freeing the infilenamerecources at first */
- if (infilename){
- FreeVec(infilename);
- infilename = NULL;
- }
- /* new infilename */
- infilename = createfilename(inpath, infile);
- /* all the stuff for the outfilename */
- if(outfile){
- FreeVec(outfile);
- outfile = NULL;
- }
- if (!(strcmp(inpath, outpath))){
- outfile = getname(wbarg->wa_Name,1);
- }
- else{
- outfile = getname(wbarg->wa_Name,0);
- }
- if(outfilename){
- FreeVec(outfilename);
- outfilename = NULL;
- }
- outfilename = createfilename(outpath, outfile);
- printf("Working on file: %s\n", (UBYTE *)infile);
- }
- /* if no infile or inpath */
- else break;
- /* go to the next entry in the filelist */
- wbarg++;
- }
- else break;
- i ++;
- }
- exitit:
- if (result = EasyRequest(NULL, &message, NULL)){
- Delay(20);
- if (infile) {
- FreeVec(infile);
- infile = NULL;
- }
- if (outfile) {
- FreeVec(outfile);
- outfile = NULL;
- }
- if (infilename) {
- FreeVec(infilename);
- infilename = NULL;
- }
- if (outfilename) {
- FreeVec(outfilename);
- outfilename = NULL;
- }
- if (outpath) {
- /* alter the tags for use as source requester */
- filereqtags[0].ti_Data = (ULONG)SOURCETITLE; //new title
- filereqtags[1].ti_Data = (ULONG)inpath; //init drawer
- filereqtags[2].ti_Data = TRUE; //multiselect
- filereqtags[3].ti_Data = TRUE; //pattern
- filereqtags[4].ti_Data = (ULONG)""; //init file
- filereqtags[5].ti_Data = (ULONG)"#?"; //init pattern
- Delay(10);
- goto start;
- }
- else{
- /* alter the tags for use as destination path requester */
- filereqtags[0].ti_Data = (ULONG)DESTTITLE; //new title
- filereqtags[1].ti_Data = (ULONG)"RAM:"; //init drawer
- filereqtags[2].ti_Data = FALSE; //multiselect
- filereqtags[3].ti_Data = FALSE; //pattern
- filereqtags[4].ti_Data = (ULONG)""; //init file
- Delay(10);
- goto start2;
- }
- }
- /* we free all allocated ressorces */
- if (infile) FreeVec(infile);
- if (outfile) FreeVec(outfile);
- if (inpath) FreeVec(inpath);
- if (outpath) FreeVec(outpath);
- if (infilename) FreeVec(infilename);
- if (outfilename) FreeVec(outfilename);
- if (filereq) FreeAslRequest(filereq);
- /* close the opened libraries */
- if (AslBase) CloseLibrary((struct Library *)AslBase);
- if (AsyncIOBase) CloseLibrary((struct Library *)AsyncIOBase);
- /* close the opened files */
- if (readfile) CloseAsync(readfile);
- if (writefile) CloseAsync(writefile);
- }